DHAKA: The students’ group which spearheaded the protests that led to the ouster of Sheikh Hasina as prime minister on Friday launched a political party and vowed to root out pro-India and pro-Pakistan politics from the country.
The Anti-Discrimination Student Movement or Students against Discrimination turned into ‘Jatiya Nagorik Party’ or National Citizen Party at a rally at Manik Mia Avenue in central Dhaka near parliament with one of the key leaders of the July-Aug protests, Na hid Islam, 26, as its convener.
The top leadership of the party, said to have the blessings of the interim govt and Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, doesn’t have any representation from minority communities. “The re will be no place for pro-India and pro-Pakistan politics in Bangladesh. We will build the state by keeping Bangladesh in the forefront and the interests of the people of Bangladesh in the forefront,” Nahid said.
He highlighted the slogan of the July-Aug protests, ‘Who are you, who am I; alternative, alternative’, and said the new party intended to be the alternative. The party is set to contest polls likely to be held by the end of the year. The party’s declaration outlined a transformative political and economic roadmap for Bangladesh, beginning with a new constitution.