The board meeting of Dolton’s Thornton township in Illinois turned into a fistfight match after an angry activist called mayor Tiffany Henyard ‘bi**h’ prompting Henyar’s boyfriend to jump pounce on the activist and hit him. Activist Jedidiah Brown called Henyard a “half a**ed mayor” and accused her of “sleeping her way to the top”.
“You gone, bi**h,” Brown said in the meeting.
Henyard’s boyfriend Kamal Woods waited for the activist’s speech to end and then confronted him — which was basically the two men punching each other prompting Henyard’s intervention.
“I have never seen a politician jump in and fight like that – it was scary and horrible- It is an embarrassment,” eyewitness Meghan Dudek told NBC Chicago.
Police were called, and the activist was removed by security. They stopped the meeting from progressing and vacated the building, but no arrests were made.
Later, activist Brown took to Facebook and said the fight was a preplanned set-up. “Let’s be clear here, I was fighting them all,” Brown said on Facebook. “Kamal grabbed my jacket in beginning which is why my head was down but I powered through and was over him.”
“I still popped every single one of them including Tiffany who hit me first before being picked up like a toddler and having to fight security in the back room by elevator.”
Henyard’s boyfriend runs the township’s at-risk youth program alongside a man named William Moore. Both of them were present at the meeting as they were the main agenda of the board meeting as the community questioned the work they were doing. They also approved an independent investigator or or a forensic auditor to find out how grant money and township funds were being used for the at-risk youth program and the outreach department, NBC Chicago reported.
Tiffany Henyard recently lost the Democratic nomination for Thornton Township supervisor, the position that she currently holds.